Naspa Ladma: Challenging Heights, Making Impacts

A direct sense of showmanship and need to respond to the cry of the needs of the less privileged is what makes the existence of an organization a great one. This act of astute showmanship was displayed by the national service personnel of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority in the La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly when they decided to respond to a news item by TV3 on the needs of the people living in the Otaomina community, a small community in the Ga west district of the Greater Accra Region to have a safe source of drinking water.
The people of Otaomina have been living in their community with no ideal source of water for their daily activities. They rely only on the rains for water during the rainy season or will have to travel several kilometers to nearby towns when the rains stop in order to have water. This situation had made the lives of the people of Otaomina very difficult until the Local NASPA of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority led by Miss Madina Ibrahim decided to come to their mercies.
On Tuesday 24th July, 2017, the Local Naspa of the Ghana Civil Aviation commissioned two modern state of the act mechanised borehole to the chiefs and people of Otaomina to ease their burden of having to rely on the rains for their source of water.
Present at the commissioning event was the board chairman of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority Air Commodore Rexford G.M. Acquah, the Municipal Chief Executive of the Ga West Municipality, Mr Clement Nii Lamptey Wilkinson, the Chief of Otaomina and the Acting President of NASPA- LADMA, Mr. Precious Eyram Hoezadey.

The board chairman congratulated the Madina Ibrahim led Administration of the GCAA local NASPA and also tasked some young men in the community to actively cater for the boreholes in order to keep it running all the time. He also made a donation of 5000 Ghana cedis to the community.
The Municipal Chief Executive also thanked GCAA NASPA for taking some of the burden from the government and also the assembly and also admonish other corporate bodies to emulate this selfless act by the National Service Personnel of the GCAA andcome to the aid of Otaomina community as there are a lot more social interventions that the people and its surrounding communities need.
The chief of Otaomina couldn’t hide his joy and satisfaction towards the project and showed a lot of gratitude to GCAA NASPA.
The Acting President of LADMA NASPA, Mr. Precious Eyram Hoezadey was very happy with the clear act of showmanship exhibited by the Madina Ibrahim led administration of the GCAA NASPA. In an interaction, he acknowledged the fact that the local NASPA buys into the agenda of giving back to the community that the District Administration has opted for as a way of its projects. He advised others to also take suit of this development and understand the need to give back to the societies as this act really relieves the government and improves development. He also reiterated the need for maintenance culture.


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