
Showing posts from September, 2018

Greater Accra NASPA climaxed all activities with a societal support to the Ga Central Municipal Clinic.

Hopes of Ga Central Municipal Clinic Kept Alive With a national service year coming to an end, Greater Accra NASPA climaxed all activities with a societal support to the Ga Central Municipal Clinic. The donation which was held at the premises of the Ga Central Municipal Clinic on the 7th of September 2018 saw most District executives, National Service Personnel and Regional Executives honoring the event. The concept of the hospital donation as clarified by the President of the association, Allen Obeng Asare was to come to the aid of the clinic which has been ruled out to be one of the least privileged in the region. Placing themselves as agents of change, items donated to the clinic were amazing and thus, will provide enormous support to the clinic. A conscious effort of identifying some needs in the society and making little impacts was achieved at the end of the donation exercise. A warm reception and joyous moments in the clinic environment by the health workers signified a sig